Hario Buono V60 Kettle

Hario Buono V60 Pour Over Kettle in 800ml (27oz). Japan. $50. Purchase.
Cilio Ceramic Dripper #4. Germany. $19. Purchase.
Hario Slim Hand Grinder Coffee Mill (MSS-1B). China. $25. Purchase.

[column-group][column]This Japanese designed kettle has become the go-to kettle for coffee shops offering pour overs today. This is due to the wonderful precision obtained through it’s goose neck spout that makes it easy to fully saturate the grounds for the initial “bloom” with only a small amount of water, allowing hardly a drop to sneak through before it’s time. When pouring in the remaining boil it is easy to corral the errant, wall-perched grounds back into the center for maximum flavor. The 1950’s cloud-like aesthetic adds to the old fashioned pour over [/column][column]appeal, however I wish the designers had found a way to include a whistle for early morning multitasking–although this could be a peaceful benefit for those with early rising partners. If this is the case and the environment is quite it is possible to hear when the water is boiling, as the lid will begin to dance in it’s loose fitting, creating a faint but noticeable jingle. All in all, the Hario Buono is a beautiful kettle for those seeking total control over their brewing pour & process.[/column][/column-group]


Hario Buono V60 Pour Over Tea Kettle Japanese Design 2


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