Sequoia National Park | Pear Lake & The Watchtower

[column-group][column]Sequoia National Park is the perfect halfway point between LA and SF for those looking to rendezvous in the Sierras. There are numerous excellent hiking trails and on this trip we chose to day hike to Pear Lake along the Lakes Trail, backtracking along the same trail, with the incorporation of the the Watchtower Trail as an alternate midsection.
The weather was cold and rainy at camp, but turned into our first snow of the season at higher elevations. The clouds provided a low ceiling and moved rapidly up the valleys, dramatically revealing the beautiful landscape through soft windows.
We rested for lunch at Pear Lake, the midpoint in our hike, where the stillness of [/column][column]the surface created a serene, almost magical atmosphere. Not surprisingly we weren’t the only ones with this plan and towards the end of lunch we exchanged cameras with another friendly party comprised of SF & LA folks for group portraits.
On our return along the Watchtower Trail our jaws dropped as we came around the bend and saw the thousand foot cliff stretching down to the valley floor. With no reason to resist we took a detour and clambered along the ridge to the point of The Watchtower, only to find ourselves in a relentless cloud—thankfully we’d already seen the cliff as it had been clear when we arrived.
Learn more about Sequoia and Kings Canyon NP at

Sequoia National Park Emerald Lake by Blind Bully
Sequoia National Park Pear Lake by Blind Bully 2
Sequoia National Park Edge of The Watchtower by Blind BullySequoia National Park The Watchtower by Blind Bully 1Sequoia National Park Top of Watchtower by Blind Bully
Sequoia National Park The Watchtower by Blind Bully 3
Sequoia National Park Down The Watchtower by Blind Bully
Sequoia National Park Lakes Trail by Blind BullySequoia National Park Lichen by Blind Bully
Sequoia National Park Inside A Sequoia by Blind BullyEn Route to Sequoia National Park via 580 West by Blind Bully

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